Unveiling the Hidden Talents: The Impact of Poor Management in the AI and Real Estate Industries


In the ever-evolving landscapes of AI and real estate, the role of management cannot be overstated. Great talents with boundless potential walk through the doors of these industries, armed with dreams and ideas that could reshape the future. However, a grim truth looms large over the corridors of many companies: poor management that hinders the realization of these dreams and ultimately drives away some of the brightest minds. As someone who has witnessed the exodus of over 60,000 colleagues from real estate and thousands laid off in the IT industry, I believe it’s time to shed light on the profound impact of bad management on the potential and success of individuals and the companies they leave behind.

The Prospering Talents

In both AI and real estate, we’ve seen a vast array of talents who have left their mark on the industry. These individuals were driven by a passion for innovation, problem-solving, and a deep desire to contribute meaningfully to their chosen fields. Unfortunately, too often, their true potential was stifled by a lack of support and understanding from management. Talents, who had the potential to shine like stars within the organization, were left unrecognized and unappreciated.

The Exodus

The exodus of talented individuals from the real estate industry, which you and I have experienced, paints a compelling picture. Talented minds, frustrated with inadequate leadership, stagnation, and lack of recognition, decided to part ways with their companies. They left seeking greener pastures where their abilities would be celebrated and encouraged. This mass departure was a loss for the industry and the companies involved but a potential gain for other ventures willing to harness and nurture these talents.

The Fallacy of Bad Management

One can argue that bad management stems from a lack of understanding or vision. Management often becomes entrenched in traditional methodologies and fails to adapt to the changing times or recognize the true potential of their workforce. As new ideas and creative solutions emerge from their team, these leaders may react with skepticism or outright dismissal, squandering the seeds of innovation that could have taken the company to new heights.

Recognizing Hidden Talents

The departure of talented individuals from organizations should serve as a wake-up call to all industries. The true measure of effective management lies in its ability to identify, develop, and retain the untapped potential hidden within its ranks. Rather than stifle creativity, great management fosters an environment where innovation thrives, and ideas are encouraged to bloom.

The Triumph of the Departed

Yet, in this tale of woe, lies a silver lining. The talents who leave companies due to poor management are not defeated; they are simply moving on to brighter prospects. Once liberated from the shackles of unappreciative management, they find new avenues where their creativity and ideas can flourish. These individuals continue to prosper long after they leave, making a mark in their new endeavors while their former companies struggle to fill the void left behind.

Embracing Change

To all companies, big and small, in AI and real estate, it is time to reflect and embrace change. Encourage an inclusive and innovative culture that values the unique talents each employee brings to the table. Recognize that effective management is not just about reaching financial targets but nurturing and empowering individuals to achieve their full potential.


In the AI and real estate industries, poor management has proved to be the Achilles’ heel, leading to the loss of valuable talent that could have propelled these industries forward. The exodus of talented individuals serves as a powerful reminder that good management is essential for sustainable success. It is time for companies to learn from these experiences, to value their employees, and foster an environment where the true talents of individuals are celebrated, for it is only in doing so that the industries as a whole can thrive and evolve. As we continue on our respective journeys, may we remember the lessons learned, champion the untapped potential of every individual, and create a future where great talents can indeed see their ideas and dreams come true.


Adam Dickens- Realtor / Ai Guru

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